HRIT Connect
Building bridges between HR and Technology

HRIT Connect - Building bridges between HR and Technology

HRIT Connect was founded in 2019 by Linda Sleicher, a professional with over 25 years of experience in both HR and IT. During her career Linda has held various roles within the HR and IT domain. This has given her an in-depth understanding of the challenges companies face in their HR transformation and HR digitization activities.

In the past, the IT organization was often the main driver of change, but in recent years there has been a significant shift to the HR organization. However, it is important to emphasize that this does not mean that one can do without the other. On the contrary, the tasks and responsibilities have simply changed. Collaboration between HR and IT is now essential for any successful initiative.

At HRIT Connect, we believe in open communication and collaboration focused on finding solutions. We create awareness around the challenges you can expect so that they can be anticipated in a timely manner. Our expertise lies in providing support and advice in a variety of areas, including:

  • HRIS selection processes: We help you select the right HR information system that meets your specific needs.
  • HR processes (re)design / Employee Experience: We optimize your HR processes and ensure a seamless and positive employee experience.
  • HR service management: We support you in setting up and improving your HR service management processes to meet the needs of your employees.
  • HR ticketing tool selection processes: We guide you in choosing the right ticketing tool to make your HR support more efficient.
  • HR project management: We take charge of your HR projects and ensure successful execution within time and budget.
  • HR data migration: We help you securely and accurately migrate your HR data to new systems.
  • Change management: We guide you in implementing changes within your organization and ensure a smooth transition.
  • Test management: We ensure thorough test planning and execution to ensure that your HR systems and processes function optimally.

At HRIT Connect, we strive to deliver high-quality services and tailor-made solutions that make your HR transformation and HR digitization a success. Contact us today to find out how we can support you on your journey to more efficient and effective HR management.